ProSoul 1000 RTTWarhammer 40,000Tournament2024-02-1710:00:00
We Will be running a 3 round 1000 point RTT
Armies will have to be legal for matched play according to the Tenth Edition Rules book.
No proxy miniatures are allowed. If you have a third party model or a kitbash you will need to ensure the TO knows what it is on your list. You are responsible for bringing all books used for your army, dice, tape measure, writing implement, and paper. Please note, you must have a physical version of your cards. A phone may be used if you are using the official GW 40K app. If you do not have these, please make sure to get them before the event begins. You are responsible for your own score as well as writing down all army choices (relics, warlord traits, psychic powers ect)We are using the ITC Code of Conduct ( Please read up on it so you do not get surprised. ITC Tournament Format and FAQ:
Painting: While we do not require painting. The 10 score points for a fully finished army (painted and based) are awarded provided your army is Battle ready (NOT THREE COLOR) painted. We do require that all models are WYSIWYG and that if similar units are on the table but have different rules, they must be visually distinct.
Prizes will be 50% of entries to 1st
30% of Entries to Second PLace
10% of entries to Third Place
16Are you Registered with Best Coast Pairings?
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