Flesh and Blood Armory Blitz EventFlesh and BloodTournament2023-09-1517:00:00

Play Flesh and Blood, win prizes. That simple.

Flesh and Blood is a trading card game that brings your main character to the focus of the battle. For more information seefabtcg.com.

Every Friday we will be performing an Armory event. This is an opportunity to win unique promos and compete for prizes. Promos are supplied by Flesh and Blood’s Armory series. See more about the current Armory serrieshere. Armory promos vary month to month, so we will decide month to month on how to distribute promos. We anticipate that each Armory event a player should be able to anticipate at least receiving an attendance promo; while supplies last.

Format:Blitzbest of 1 matches

Rounds: 3 Rounds

Top Cut: If there are 2 or more players with with a 3-0 record after the swiss rounds, we will break to a single elimination top cut to compete for the highly desired Arsenal Cold Foil. The top cut will be an exponent of 2, based on the number of 3-0 records. 2 players is a top cut to 2. 3-4 players is a top cut to 4 players. 5-8 players is a top cut to 8 players. 9-16 players is a top cut to 16 players. If you wish to be in the top cut AND participate in the weekly draft you will need to play the top cut quickly, agree with your opponent to play in-between rounds of the draft, or concede to opponents that do not want to wait.

Prizes: 6ProPointsper round win

Entry: $10

CAVEAT: THE FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH WILL BE A PRECON BLITZ EVENT. You can only play an unaltered precon Blitz deck. We will have some for sell or borrow available on these Fridays. Furthermore, the Arsenal Cold Foil for that week will be given away randomly, instead of to first place.



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